About Us
The Publishing House have been established with the aim of spreading quality scientific information to the research community throughout the universe. We, as Open Access publishers, strive to offer the best in class online science publications. Open Access process eliminates the barriers associated with the older publication models, thus matching up with the rapidity of the twenty-first century. Our main areas of interest lie in the fields of science, engineering and other related areas. It is a platform for professors and researchers who aspire to give out quality information based on their research and expertise, in an attempt to aid scholars/researchers in their field of interest with the latest information.
Focusing on the requirements of scientists, students and research scholars, we aspire to be the leading provider in Open Access Publications, with an array of prestigious academic international journals, dedicated to serving the engineering, scientific and medical communities. We publish articles of various formats (i.e., HTML, PDF, Digital, Audio conversion and Video development) and they can be accessed freely by scientists, students and the research community immediately after publication.
All manuscripts published by us are peer reviewed by our eminent editorial board members of the respective journals. We accept online letters or Emails from Editors as well as brief comments or changes that might enhance the quality of previously published articles. The manuscripts should be of high quality, reflect solid scholarship of the authors in their fields and the information contained should be accurate and reliable – prerequisites for maintaining the high standards we expect from the contributors.
We consider manuscripts for publication from any part of the world and ensure that all submissions are refereed through a double-blind process. The quick and efficient review and publication process makes your Papers immediately available online to all the readers immediately upon publication. All our reviewers undertake to keep submitted manuscripts and associated data confidential and not redistribute them without permission from the journal. All the published content is permanently stored in our archives and we use Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to locate the Articles throughout the world. We warmly welcome authors to visit our site and submit their scientific papers to our journal.
Our Vision - To advance the creation, communication and application of scientific knowledge to benefit society and improve people's lives. The prime mission of publishing house is to make continuous efforts in transforming the scientific information from researchers around the world, into easily accessible data by publishing on our website. Our vision is to build an open science platform where everybody has an equal opportunity to seek, share and generate knowledge, empowering researchers and scholars in their daily work.
Our services
It is a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image.
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A full-text database is a compilation of documents or other information in the form of a database.
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The primary benefits of ePubs are a convenience, accessibility, and enhanced functionality.
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